Build of perl-test-distmanifest with vanilla toolchain

The build took 00h 00m 37s and was NOT successful.

The program in this build is written in the following languages, according to sloccount:

339 perl
339 total

The process tree of the build process is here.


To avoid scrolling, you may jump to the last line of the invocation of makepkg that was used to build this package.

Removed vanilla repositories from pacman.conf and added:
# [tuscan]
# Server = file:///var/cache/pacman/pkg/

CMD: pacman -Syy --noconfirm
# :: Synchronizing package databases...
# downloading tuscan.db...

CMD: sudo -u tuscan red makepkg --noextract --syncdeps --skipinteg --skippgpcheck --skipchecksums --noconfirm --nocolor --log --noprogressbar --nocheck
# ==> Making package: perl-test-distmanifest 1.014-2 (Wed Aug 24 12:52:48 UTC 2016)
# ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
# ==> Installing missing dependencies...
# resolving dependencies...
# looking for conflicting packages...
# Packages (3) perl-file-slurp-9999.19-3 perl-params-util-1.07-5 perl-module-manifest-1.08-2
# Total Installed Size: 0.21 MiB
# :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
# checking keyring...
# checking package integrity...
# loading package files...
# checking for file conflicts...
# checking available disk space...
# :: Processing package changes...
# installing perl-params-util...
# installing perl-file-slurp...
# installing perl-module-manifest...
# :: Running post-transaction hooks...
# (1/1) Updating manpage index...
# ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
# ==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
# ==> Starting build()...
# If you're seeing this warning, your toolchain is really, really old* and you'll
# almost certainly have problems installing CPAN modules from this century. But
# never fear, dear user, for we have the technology to fix this!
# If you're using to install things, then you can upgrade it using:
# cpan CPAN
# If you're using CPANPLUS to install things, then you can upgrade it using:
# cpanp CPANPLUS
# If you're using cpanminus, you shouldn't be seeing this message in the first
# place, so please file an issue on github.
# This public service announcement was brought to you by the Perl Toolchain
# Gang, the #toolchain IRC channel, and the number 42.
# ----
# * Alternatively, you are running this file manually, in which case you need
# to learn to first fulfill all configure requires prerequisites listed in
# META.yml or META.json -- or use a cpan client to install this distribution.
# You can also silence this warning for future installations by setting the
# PERL_MB_FALLBACK_SILENCE_WARNING environment variable, but please don't do
# that until you fix your toolchain as described above.
# Can't locate Module/ in @INC (you may need to install the Module::Build module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl .) at Build.PL line 65.
# ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
# Aborting...