Build of aspell-de with vanilla toolchain

The build took 00h 00m 38s and was SUCCESSFUL.

The program in this build is written in the following languages, according to sloccount:

926 perl
323 makefile
36 sh
32 sed
1,317 total

The process tree of the build process is here.


To avoid scrolling, you may jump to the last line of the invocation of makepkg that was used to build this package.

Removed vanilla repositories from pacman.conf and added:
# [tuscan]
# Server = file:///var/cache/pacman/pkg/

CMD: pacman -Syy --noconfirm
# :: Synchronizing package databases...
# downloading tuscan.db...

CMD: sudo -u tuscan red makepkg --noextract --syncdeps --skipinteg --skippgpcheck --skipchecksums --noconfirm --nocolor --log --noprogressbar --nocheck
# ==> Making package: aspell-de 20151222-1 (Wed Aug 24 13:13:57 UTC 2016)
# ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
# ==> Installing missing dependencies...
# resolving dependencies...
# looking for conflicting packages...
# Packages (1) aspell-
# Total Installed Size: 3.00 MiB
# :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
# checking keyring...
# checking package integrity...
# loading package files...
# checking for file conflicts...
# checking available disk space...
# :: Processing package changes...
# installing aspell...
# Optional dependencies for aspell
# perl: to import old dictionaries [installed]
# :: Running post-transaction hooks...
# (1/2) Updating manpage index...
# (2/2) Updating the info directory file...
# ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
# ==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
# ==> Starting build()...
# cat ./dicts/worte-de_DE.txt ./dicts/verben-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-de_all.txt ./dicts/infoabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte2-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-zeitgeschichte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/compeng-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zeitgeschichte-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/roemisch-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerzungen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/abc-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-ordinal-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerz2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/latein-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/technik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/alphabeta-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-de_all.txt ./dicts/franzoesisch-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/orgabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-mal-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/seltenes-de_all.txt dicts/abkuerzpunkt.txt | (test -e ./bin/conv_dict_de_DE && ./bin/conv_dict_de_DE || cat) | ./bin/ > myspell/de_DE.dic.tmp
# cat myspell/de_all.aff.header myspell/ | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_DE/" > myspell/de_DE.aff
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_DE/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_DE.multi
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_DE/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_DE.dat
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_DE/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_DE.alias
# cp myspell/de_DE.aff aspell/de_DE_affix.dat
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ndern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"nderungszeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ngstigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"usSern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Achten/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Angepasstheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Annehmlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Arbeiter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Art/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffa"lligkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffindbarkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufhebbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufrichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgeglichenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgewogenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ba"nde/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Band/VST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedenklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedeutsamkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedingtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Befangenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Begrenztheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beherrschtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bekanntheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beliebtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bequemlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Berechenbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bescheidenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beschra"nktheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bessern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Besta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestechlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestimmtheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beugen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binder/NVFS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Blenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauch/STV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauchbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brecher/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Buchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dank/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dankbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dichten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Diener/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dienst/SEPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ding/ETPRSU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Doppeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Drehen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dreher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Duldsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehre/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Eindeutigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Empfindlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Endlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entbehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Enthaltsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschiedenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschlossenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfahrenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfu"llbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erheblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erschrockenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ersetzbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"higkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lschen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lscher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"rben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fairness/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fall/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fassen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fechter/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fehlbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Folgsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Formen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freiheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freundlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Friede/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fruchtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"gen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrer/VFNS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrungskraft/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"ttern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gabe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geber/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gebundenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geduld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gefa"hrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gelten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gemu"tlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genauigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genu"gsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gerechtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geschicklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gezwungenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: GiesSen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gla"ubigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaube/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glauben/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaubwu"rdigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichgewicht/EPSUT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichzeitigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gnade/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gu"ltigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gunst/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Guss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"ngen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"rten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handlungsdauer/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Heilbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Hindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ho"flichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Irren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"ufer/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"uflichkeit/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kauf/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kennen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kenntnis/qU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Keuschheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kla"ren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klammern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kleben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klugheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Knu"pfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kompliziertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kontrollierbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Korrigierbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kosten/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kra"uter/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kru"mmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"ndigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"rzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laden/JSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laderampe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ladestation/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lagern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lauf/VSpT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Legen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leger/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leiten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lesen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leugnen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"sbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"schen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Locken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lust/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lustgefu"hl/ESTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ma"nnlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Meiden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menge/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mensch/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menschlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Messen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieter/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mischen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mittler/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mo"glichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Moral/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mu"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Nachgiebigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Natu"rlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Neigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordentlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordnen/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pa"chter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pachten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packer/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Perso"nlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pfa"nden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflanzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflegen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Popularita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Professionalita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pu"nktlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Putz/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rast/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rat/TVSEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Recht/UEPST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtma"sSigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtsbewusstsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Redlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Regelma"sSigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Richten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Riss/EPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ruf/SVTEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sachlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sammeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfe/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schalten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schicken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schieben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlag/pSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleppen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleudern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlu"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schluss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schma"hen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schmelzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schonen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schrauben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schreiben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schuld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Segen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbsta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbststa"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sender/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Setzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sitte/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Spannen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sportlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sta"rken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stauchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steigerungswert/VEPT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellmo"glichkeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sterblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stetigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stimmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stopfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: StosS/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streuen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Strukturiertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Summe/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tagen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tat/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tauglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teilen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teiler/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Terminieren/SJU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tier/EPSTUM
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tilgen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tragen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trauen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Treiber/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trieb/EPSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tugend/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: U"bersichtlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Umkehrbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vergleichbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermeidbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermo"gen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vernunft/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versehrtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verso"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndlichkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndnis/QqU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verstand/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vertra"glichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verzichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vollkommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Voreingenommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vorsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wa"gbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrscheinlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandelung/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Warnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wartbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Weigern/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Werte/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wickeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wille/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Willens/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirksamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wittern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wohlsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wort/EPSTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zahl/JUP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zeichnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zerren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zo"gern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zucht/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zufriedenheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zug/SETVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuga"nglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zula"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuverla"ssigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zweckma"sSigkeit/U
# sed -n '$=' < myspell/de_DE.dic.tmp > myspell/de_DE.dic
# cat myspell/de_all.dic.header | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_DE/" >> myspell/de_DE.dic
# sed -f ./bin/dic2iso < myspell/de_DE.dic.tmp >> myspell/de_DE.dic
# # the warnings about skipped words should be ignorable...
# aspell --lang=de_DE --dict-dir=./aspell/ --local-data-dir=./aspell/ create master de_DE.rws < myspell/de_DE.dic
# Warning: The word "84360" is invalid. The character '8' (U+38) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " This is the dictionary file of the de_DE Myspell dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " derived from the igerman98 dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Version: 20151222" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Bjoern Jacke " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " License: GPLv2, GPLv3" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " There should be a copy of all of this licenses included with every distribution" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " of this dictionary. Modified versions using the GPL may only include the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL. This dictionary is compiled from igerman98. For the purpose of the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL modifications of this dictionary should be made public as a patch" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " for igerman98 allowing to regenerate the modified dictionary." is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abk." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Aufl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ausdrucke.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�usche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Bausch.
# Warning: The word "Bestellnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Bestnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�rde.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boni.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boson.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Brunft.
# Warning: The word "Bsp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Chr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dipl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Domina.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Dominus.
# Warning: The word "Dr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word EADS.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Eies.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Engineering.
# Warning: The word "Fa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Feb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fick.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ficker.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fotze.
# Warning: The word "Frl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Gral.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hi.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hydra.
# Warning: The word "Ing." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Inhaltsverz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jh." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jul." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Konsumtion.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Linnen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Liszt.
# Warning: The word "Ltd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word M�zen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Merck.
# Warning: The word "Mill." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Mio." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenk�pfe.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenkopf.
# Warning: The word "Mrd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "MwSt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Neger.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkinder.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkirche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerlein.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negers�ngerin.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerst�mme.
# Warning: The word "Nov." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Nr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Nutte.
# Warning: The word "Okt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pfg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Pimmel.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Posting.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Prime.
# Warning: The word "Prof." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Quoren.
# Warning: The word "Sa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Sept." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Sexte.
# Warning: The word "St." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Stck." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Std." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stricher.
# Warning: The word "Stromvers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stuhle.
# Warning: The word "Tel." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Texter.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Togo.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Wart.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuhause.
# Warning: The word "Zustandsnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuwenig.
# Warning: Removing inapplicable affix 'B' from word Zylinderkopfschraube.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word a.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word abkacken.
# Warning: The word "abzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word b.
# Warning: The word "bes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "betr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bspw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word c.
# Warning: The word "ca." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "cf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word d.
# Warning: The word "dto." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchgev�gelt.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchv�geln.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word e.
# Warning: The word "einschl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "elektr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "engl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "entspr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "etc." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "evtl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "ext." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word f.
# Warning: The word "ff." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word ficken.
# Warning: The word "franz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word g.
# Warning: The word "geb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gefickt.
# Warning: The word "gem." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gepimpert.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gev�gelt.
# Warning: The word "ggf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "griech." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word h.
# Warning: The word "hrsg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word i.
# Warning: The word "incl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "inkl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insbes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insges." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word j.
# Warning: The word "jmd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdn." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word k.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word konzertieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word l.
# Warning: The word "lfd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "lt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word lugen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word m.
# Warning: The word "max." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "med." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word medial.
# Warning: The word "min." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word n.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word nochmal.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �ffenbar.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word o.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word p.
# Warning: The word "phil." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word pimpern.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word q.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word r.
# Warning: The word "resp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word rezipieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word s.
# Warning: The word "sek." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word t.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word tarifisch.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word u.
# Warning: The word "usw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v.
# Warning: The word "vergl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v�geln.
# Warning: The word "vorl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vorm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word w.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word wahren.
# Warning: The word "wg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word x.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word y.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word z.
# Warning: The word "zus." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "zzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# cat ./dicts/worte-de_AT-de_CH.txt ./dicts/austriazismen-xx-de_AT.txt ./dicts/austriazismen-de_AT.txt ./dicts/verben-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-de_all.txt ./dicts/infoabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte2-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-zeitgeschichte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/compeng-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zeitgeschichte-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/roemisch-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerzungen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/abc-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-ordinal-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerz2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/latein-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/technik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/alphabeta-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-de_all.txt ./dicts/franzoesisch-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/orgabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-mal-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/seltenes-de_all.txt dicts/abkuerzpunkt.txt | (test -e ./bin/conv_dict_de_AT && ./bin/conv_dict_de_AT || cat) | ./bin/ > myspell/de_AT.dic.tmp
# cat myspell/de_all.aff.header myspell/ | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_AT/" > myspell/de_AT.aff
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_AT/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_AT.multi
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_AT/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_AT.dat
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_AT/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_AT.alias
# cp myspell/de_AT.aff aspell/de_AT_affix.dat
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ndern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"nderungszeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ngstigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"usSern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Achten/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Angepasstheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Annehmlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Arbeiter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Art/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffa"lligkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffindbarkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufhebbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufrichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgeglichenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgewogenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ba"nde/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Band/VST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedenklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedeutsamkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedingtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Befangenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Begrenztheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beherrschtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bekanntheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beliebtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bequemlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Berechenbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bescheidenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beschra"nktheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bessern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Besta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestechlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestimmtheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beugen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binder/NVFS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Blenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauch/STV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauchbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brecher/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Buchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dank/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dankbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dichten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Diener/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dienst/SEPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ding/ETPRSU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Doppeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Drehen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dreher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Duldsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehre/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Eindeutigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Empfindlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Endlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entbehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Enthaltsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschiedenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschlossenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfahrenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfu"llbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erheblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erschrockenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ersetzbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"higkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lschen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lscher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"rben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fairness/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fall/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fassen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fechter/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fehlbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Folgsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Formen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freiheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freundlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Friede/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fruchtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"gen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrer/VFNS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrungskraft/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"ttern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gabe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geber/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gebundenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geduld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gefa"hrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gelten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gemu"tlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genauigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genu"gsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gerechtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geschicklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gezwungenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: GiesSen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gla"ubigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaube/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glauben/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaubwu"rdigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichgewicht/EPSUT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichzeitigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gnade/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gu"ltigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gunst/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Guss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"ngen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"rten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handlungsdauer/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Heilbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Hindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ho"flichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Irren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"ufer/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"uflichkeit/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kauf/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kennen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kenntnis/qU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Keuschheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kla"ren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klammern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kleben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klugheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Knu"pfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kompliziertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kontrollierbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Korrigierbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kosten/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kra"uter/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kru"mmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"ndigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"rzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laden/JSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laderampe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ladestation/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lagern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lauf/VSpT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Legen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leger/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leiten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lesen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leugnen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"sbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"schen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Locken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lust/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lustgefu"hl/ESTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ma"nnlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Meiden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menge/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mensch/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menschlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Messen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieter/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mischen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mittler/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mo"glichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Moral/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mu"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Nachgiebigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Natu"rlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Neigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordentlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordnen/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pa"chter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pachten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packer/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Perso"nlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pfa"nden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflanzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflegen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Popularita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Professionalita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pu"nktlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Putz/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rast/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rat/TVSEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Recht/UEPST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtma"sSigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtsbewusstsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Redlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Regelma"sSigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Richten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Riss/EPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ruf/SVTEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sachlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sammeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfe/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schalten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schicken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schieben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlag/pSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleppen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleudern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlu"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schluss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schma"hen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schmelzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schonen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schrauben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schreiben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schuld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Segen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbsta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbststa"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sender/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Setzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sitte/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Spannen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sportlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sta"rken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stauchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steigerungswert/VEPT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellmo"glichkeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sterblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stetigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stimmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stopfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: StosS/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streuen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Strukturiertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Summe/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tagen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tat/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tauglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teilen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teiler/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Terminieren/SJU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tier/EPSTUM
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tilgen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tragen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trauen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Treiber/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trieb/EPSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tugend/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: U"bersichtlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Umkehrbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vergleichbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermeidbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermo"gen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vernunft/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versehrtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verso"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndlichkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndnis/QqU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verstand/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vertra"glichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verzichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vollkommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Voreingenommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vorsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wa"gbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrscheinlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandelung/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Warnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wartbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Weigern/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Werte/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wickeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wille/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Willens/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirksamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wittern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wohlsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wort/EPSTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zahl/JUP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zeichnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zerren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zo"gern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zucht/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zufriedenheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zug/SETVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuga"nglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zula"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuverla"ssigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zweckma"sSigkeit/U
# sed -n '$=' < myspell/de_AT.dic.tmp > myspell/de_AT.dic
# cat myspell/de_all.dic.header | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_AT/" >> myspell/de_AT.dic
# sed -f ./bin/dic2iso < myspell/de_AT.dic.tmp >> myspell/de_AT.dic
# # the warnings about skipped words should be ignorable...
# aspell --lang=de_AT --dict-dir=./aspell/ --local-data-dir=./aspell/ create master de_AT.rws < myspell/de_AT.dic
# Warning: The word "84527" is invalid. The character '8' (U+38) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " This is the dictionary file of the de_AT Myspell dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " derived from the igerman98 dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Version: 20151222" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Bjoern Jacke " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " License: GPLv2, GPLv3" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " There should be a copy of all of this licenses included with every distribution" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " of this dictionary. Modified versions using the GPL may only include the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL. This dictionary is compiled from igerman98. For the purpose of the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL modifications of this dictionary should be made public as a patch" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " for igerman98 allowing to regenerate the modified dictionary." is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abk." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Aufl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ausdrucke.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�usche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Bausch.
# Warning: The word "Bestellnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Bestnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�rde.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boni.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boson.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Brunft.
# Warning: The word "Bsp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Chr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dipl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Domina.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Dominus.
# Warning: The word "Dr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word EADS.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Eies.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Engineering.
# Warning: The word "Fa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Feb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fick.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ficker.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fotze.
# Warning: The word "Frl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Gral.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hi.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hydra.
# Warning: The word "Ing." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Inhaltsverz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jh." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jul." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Konsumtion.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Linnen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Liszt.
# Warning: The word "Ltd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word M�zen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Merck.
# Warning: The word "Mill." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Mio." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenk�pfe.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenkopf.
# Warning: The word "Mrd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "MwSt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Neger.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkinder.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkirche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerlein.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negers�ngerin.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerst�mme.
# Warning: The word "Nov." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Nr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Nutte.
# Warning: The word "Okt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pfg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Pimmel.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Posting.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Prime.
# Warning: The word "Prof." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Quoren.
# Warning: The word "Sa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Sept." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Sexte.
# Warning: The word "St." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Stck." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Std." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stricher.
# Warning: The word "Stromvers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stuhle.
# Warning: The word "Tel." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Texter.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Togo.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Wart.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuhause.
# Warning: The word "Zustandsnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuwenig.
# Warning: Removing inapplicable affix 'B' from word Zylinderkopfschraube.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word a.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word abkacken.
# Warning: The word "abzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word b.
# Warning: The word "bes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "betr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bspw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word c.
# Warning: The word "ca." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "cf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word d.
# Warning: The word "dto." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchgev�gelt.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchv�geln.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word e.
# Warning: The word "einschl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "elektr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "engl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "entspr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "etc." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "evtl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "ext." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word f.
# Warning: The word "ff." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word ficken.
# Warning: The word "franz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word g.
# Warning: The word "geb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gefickt.
# Warning: The word "gem." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gepimpert.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gev�gelt.
# Warning: The word "ggf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "griech." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word h.
# Warning: The word "hrsg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word i.
# Warning: The word "incl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "inkl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insbes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insges." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word j.
# Warning: The word "jmd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdn." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word k.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word konzertieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word l.
# Warning: The word "lfd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "lt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word lugen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word m.
# Warning: The word "max." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "med." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word medial.
# Warning: The word "min." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word n.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word nochmal.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �ffenbar.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word o.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word p.
# Warning: The word "phil." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word pimpern.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word q.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word r.
# Warning: The word "resp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word rezipieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word s.
# Warning: The word "sek." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word t.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word tarifisch.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word u.
# Warning: The word "usw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v.
# Warning: The word "vergl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v�geln.
# Warning: The word "vorl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vorm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word w.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word wahren.
# Warning: The word "wg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word x.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word y.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word z.
# Warning: The word "zus." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "zzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# cat ./dicts/helvetismen-xx-de_CH.txt ./dicts/worte-de_AT-de_CH.txt ./dicts/helvetismen-de_CH.txt ./dicts/verben-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-de_all.txt ./dicts/infoabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte2-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-zeitgeschichte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/compeng-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zeitgeschichte-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/roemisch-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerzungen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/abc-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-de_all.txt ./dicts/marken-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-ordinal-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-de_all.txt ./dicts/verben-de_all.txt ./dicts/abkuerz2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/latein-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-de_all.txt ./dicts/vornamen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/technik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-klein-de_all.txt ./dicts/klein-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/mathematik-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-n-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/alphabeta-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zusammen-gross-a-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/anglizismen-de_all.txt ./dicts/franzoesisch-de_all.txt ./dicts/adjektive-a-de_all.txt ./dicts/medizin-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/elektronik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/orgabk-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/zahlen-mal-de_all.txt ./dicts/namen2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/worte-n-de_all.txt ./dicts/informatik-xx-de_all.txt ./dicts/geografie2-x-de_all.txt ./dicts/seltenes-de_all.txt dicts/abkuerzpunkt.txt | (test -e ./bin/conv_dict_de_CH && ./bin/conv_dict_de_CH || cat) | ./bin/ > myspell/de_CH.dic.tmp
# cat myspell/de_all.aff.header myspell/ | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_CH/" > myspell/de_CH.aff
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_CH/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_CH.multi
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_CH/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_CH.dat
# sed "s/LANG_REPLACE/de_CH/g" < aspell/ > aspell/de_CH.alias
# cp myspell/de_CH.aff aspell/de_CH_affix.dat
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ndern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"nderungszeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ngstigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: A"ussern/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Achten/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Angepasstheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Annehmlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Arbeiter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Art/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffa"lligkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Auffindbarkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufhebbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Aufrichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgeglichenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ausgewogenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ba"nde/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Band/VST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedenklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedeutsamkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bedingtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Befangenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Begrenztheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beherrschtheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bekanntheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beliebtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bequemlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Berechenbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bescheidenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beschra"nktheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bessern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Besta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestechlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Bestimmtheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Beugen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Binder/NVFS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Blenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauch/STV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brauchbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Brecher/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Buchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dank/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dankbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dichten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Diener/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dienst/SEPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ding/ETPRSU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Doppeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Drehen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Dreher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Duldsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehre/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Eindeutigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Einsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Empfindlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Endlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entbehrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Enthaltsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschiedenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Entschlossenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfahrenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erfu"llbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erheblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Erschrockenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ersetzbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"higkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lschen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"lscher/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fa"rben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fairness/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fall/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fassen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fechter/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fehlbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Folgsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Formen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freiheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Freundlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Friede/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fruchtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"gen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrer/VFNS
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"hrungskraft/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Fu"ttern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gabe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geber/VNSF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gebundenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geduld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gefa"hrlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gelten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gemu"tlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genauigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Genu"gsamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gerechtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Geschicklichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gezwungenheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Giessen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gla"ubigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaube/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glauben/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Glaubwu"rdigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichgewicht/EPSUT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gleichzeitigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gnade/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gu"ltigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Gunst/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Guss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"ngen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ha"rten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Handlungsdauer/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Heilbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Hindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ho"flichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Irren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"ufer/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ka"uflichkeit/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kauf/STVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kehren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kennen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kenntnis/qU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Keuschheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kla"ren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klammern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kleben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Klugheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Knu"pfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kompliziertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kontrollierbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Korrigierbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kosten/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kra"uter/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Kru"mmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"ndigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ku"rzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laden/JSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Laderampe/NV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ladestation/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lagern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lauf/VSpT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Legen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leger/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leiten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lesen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Leugnen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"sbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lo"schen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Locken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lust/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Lustgefu"hl/ESTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ma"nnlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Meiden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menge/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mensch/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Menschlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Messen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mieter/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mindern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mischen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mittler/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mo"glichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Moral/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Mu"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Nachgiebigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Natu"rlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Neigen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordentlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ordnen/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pa"chter/FNSV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pachten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Packer/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Perso"nlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pfa"nden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflanzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pflegen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Popularita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Professionalita"t/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Pu"nktlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Putz/V
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rast/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rat/TVSEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Recht/UEPST
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtma"ssigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Rechtsbewusstsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Redlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Regelma"ssigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Richten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Riss/EPTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Ruf/SVTEP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sachlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sammeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfe/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Scha"rfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schalten/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schicken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schieben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlag/pSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleppen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schleudern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schlu"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schluss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schma"hen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schmelzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schonen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schrauben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schreiben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Schuld/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Segen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbsta"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Selbststa"ndigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sender/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Senken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Setzen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sitte/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Spannen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sportlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sta"rken/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stauchen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stehen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steigerungswert/VEPT
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stellmo"glichkeit/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Sterblichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stetigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Steuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stimmen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stopfen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Stoss/TpV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streben/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Streuen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Strukturiertheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Summe/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tagen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tat/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tauglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teilen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teiler/NSFV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Terminieren/SJU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Teuern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tier/EPSTUM
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tilgen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tragen/SV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trauen/VSJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Treiber/NSVF
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Trieb/EPSTV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Tugend/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: U"bersichtlichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Umkehrbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vergleichbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermeidbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vermo"gen/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vernunft/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versehrtheit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verso"hnlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndlichkeit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Versta"ndnis/QqU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verstand/STU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vertra"glichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Verzichtbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vollkommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Voreingenommenheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Vorsichtigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wa"gbarkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrheit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wahrscheinlichkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wandelung/PV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Warnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wartbarkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Weigern/SVJ
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wenden/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Werte/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wichtigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wickeln/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wille/NU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Willens/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirksamkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wirren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wittern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wohlsein/SU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Wort/EPSTU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zahl/JUP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zeichnen/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zerren/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zo"gern/SJV
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zucht/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zufriedenheit/UP
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zug/SETVp
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuga"nglichkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zula"ssigkeit/U
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zuverla"ssigkeit/PU
# Capital prefixes will be expanded: Zweckma"ssigkeit/U
# sed -n '$=' < myspell/de_CH.dic.tmp > myspell/de_CH.dic
# cat myspell/de_all.dic.header | sed "s/AFF_VERSION_REPLACE/`cat VERSION`/;s/LANG_REPLACE/de_CH/" >> myspell/de_CH.dic
# sed -f ./bin/dic2iso < myspell/de_CH.dic.tmp >> myspell/de_CH.dic
# # the warnings about skipped words should be ignorable...
# aspell --lang=de_CH --dict-dir=./aspell/ --local-data-dir=./aspell/ create master de_CH.rws < myspell/de_CH.dic
# Warning: The word "84399" is invalid. The character '8' (U+38) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " This is the dictionary file of the de_CH Myspell dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " derived from the igerman98 dictionary" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Version: 20151222" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Bjoern Jacke " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " License: GPLv2, GPLv3" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " There should be a copy of all of this licenses included with every distribution" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " of this dictionary. Modified versions using the GPL may only include the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL. This dictionary is compiled from igerman98. For the purpose of the" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " GPL modifications of this dictionary should be made public as a patch" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " for igerman98 allowing to regenerate the modified dictionary." is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word " " is invalid. The character ' ' (U+09) may not appear at the beginning of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abk." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Abs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Anz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Aufl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ausdrucke.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�usche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Bausch.
# Warning: The word "Bestellnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Bestnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word B�rde.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boni.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Boson.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Brunft.
# Warning: The word "Bsp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Chr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Dipl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Domina.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Dominus.
# Warning: The word "Dr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word EADS.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Eies.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Engineering.
# Warning: The word "Fa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Feb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fick.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Ficker.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Fotze.
# Warning: The word "Frl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Gral.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hi.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Hydra.
# Warning: The word "Ing." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Inhaltsverz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jh." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Jul." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Konsumtion.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Linnen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Liszt.
# Warning: The word "Ltd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word M�zen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Merck.
# Warning: The word "Mill." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Mio." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenk�pfe.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Mohrenkopf.
# Warning: The word "Mrd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "MwSt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Neger.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkinder.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerkirche.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerlein.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negers�ngerin.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Negerst�mme.
# Warning: The word "Nov." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Nr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Nutte.
# Warning: The word "Okt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Pfg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Pimmel.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Posting.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Prime.
# Warning: The word "Prof." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Quoren.
# Warning: The word "Sa." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Sept." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Sexte.
# Warning: The word "St." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Stck." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "Std." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stricher.
# Warning: The word "Stromvers." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Stuhle.
# Warning: The word "Tel." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Texter.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Togo.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Wart.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuhause.
# Warning: The word "Zustandsnr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word Zuwenig.
# Warning: Removing inapplicable affix 'B' from word Zylinderkopfschraube.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word a.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word abkacken.
# Warning: The word "abzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "allg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word b.
# Warning: The word "bes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "betr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bez." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bspw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "bzw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word c.
# Warning: The word "ca." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "cf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word d.
# Warning: The word "dto." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchgev�gelt.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word durchv�geln.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word e.
# Warning: The word "einschl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "elektr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "engl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "entspr." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "etc." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "evtl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "ext." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word f.
# Warning: The word "ff." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word ficken.
# Warning: The word "franz." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word g.
# Warning: The word "geb." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gefickt.
# Warning: The word "gem." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gepimpert.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word gev�gelt.
# Warning: The word "ggf." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "griech." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word h.
# Warning: The word "hrsg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word i.
# Warning: The word "incl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "inkl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insbes." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "insges." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word j.
# Warning: The word "jmd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "jmdn." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word k.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word konzertieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word l.
# Warning: The word "lfd." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "lt." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word lugen.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word m.
# Warning: The word "max." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "med." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word medial.
# Warning: The word "min." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word n.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word nochmal.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �ffenbar.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word o.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word p.
# Warning: The word "phil." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word pimpern.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word q.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word r.
# Warning: The word "resp." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word rezipieren.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word s.
# Warning: The word "sek." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word t.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word tarifisch.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word �.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word u.
# Warning: The word "usw." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v.
# Warning: The word "vergl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word v�geln.
# Warning: The word "vorl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vorm." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "vs." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word w.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word wahren.
# Warning: The word "wg." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word x.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word y.
# Warning: Removing invalid affix 'n' from word z.
# Warning: The word "zus." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# Warning: The word "zzgl." is invalid. The character '.' (U+2E) may not appear at the end of a word. Skipping word.
# ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
# ==> Starting package()...
# ==> Tidying install...
# -> Removing doc files...
# -> Purging unwanted files...
# ==> Checking for packaging issue...
# ==> Creating package "aspell-de"...
# -> Generating .PKGINFO file...
# -> Generating .BUILDINFO file...
# error: invalid option '--noprogressbar'
# -> Generating .MTREE file...
# -> Compressing package...
# ==> Leaving fakeroot environment.
# ==> Finished making: aspell-de 20151222-1 (Wed Aug 24 13:14:07 UTC 2016)

CMD: pacman --query --file aspell-de-20151222-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
# aspell-de 20151222-1

Creating hybrid package for 'aspell-de'

Trying to find vanilla package 'aspell-de'...

CMD: pacman --query --file /mirror/aspell-de-20151222-1.pkg.tar.xz
# aspell-de 20151222-1

Package file has the following structure:
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/swiss.alias
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/german.alias
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/deutsch.alias
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.rws
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.multi
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH_affix.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.alias
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.rws
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.multi
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT_affix.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.alias
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.rws
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.multi
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE_affix.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.dat
# /usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE_affix.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.multi
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_DE.rws
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT_affix.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.multi
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_AT.rws
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH_affix.dat
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.multi
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/de_CH.rws
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/deutsch.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/german.alias
# /sysroot/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/swiss.alias

Generating .MTREE

CMD: bsdtar -czf .MTREE --format=mtree --options=!all,use-set,type,uid,mode,time,size,md5,sha256,link .PKGINFO usr sysroot

Tar-ing up files

CMD: bsdtar -cf - .PKGINFO usr sysroot .MTREE

CMD: xz -c -z

Successfully ran bsdtar -cf - .PKGINFO usr sysroot .MTREE | xz -c -z

CMD: bsdtar -tqf aspell-de.pkg.tar.xz .PKGINFO

Created package at path /var/cache/pacman/pkg/aspell-de.pkg.tar.xz

Attempting to access local repository, attempt 1

CMD: repo-add /var/cache/pacman/pkg/tuscan.db.tar /var/cache/pacman/pkg/aspell-de.pkg.tar.xz
# ==> Extracting database to a temporary location...
# ==> Extracting database to a temporary location...
# ==> Adding package '/var/cache/pacman/pkg/aspell-de.pkg.tar.xz'
# -> Computing checksums...
# -> Creating 'desc' db entry...
# -> Creating 'files' db entry...
# ==> Creating updated database file '/var/cache/pacman/pkg/tuscan.db.tar'